Thursday, March 26, 2009

"You Only Get What You Give"

Or, "You only get what you deserve."
How pathetic are those piece of poop lines. I hate 'em so much.
Because what the fk did I ever do to get what I got.
What the hell did I ever do to deserve all this crazy nonsense.
I have given more than I have ever got, and I still end up getting nothing in return.
All I get is more, and more shit from another person each time.
Do I just give up and feel like a failure? Or do I continue pretending to be a savior?
Its not in my hands of what a person can do.
It's up to them. And how the hell do I stop it?
-The fk if I know.
The only hope I've had so far was her and that dream.
And so far, you've proved only but wrong to me..