Thursday, March 26, 2009

La vita è bella

Life is beautiful.

So why do we just frown upon the bad things in our life? Why do we only want to talk about our stupid ass problems?
Perhaps it is because we want a craving of sympathy from others to feel what we are feeling.
And why the hell would we ever want that? Why would we want someone to be so miserable, or make them live in hell because of what you said, or do. Why should I let someone ruin my entire day, week, or anything just because they are a bitch, or a asshole.
I for one would oppose for anybody to ever feel like I did, or go through what I've been through.
No matter how much I don't like you, it's not right.
Personally, I enjoy the feeling of seeing people happy. And for whatever that reason may be for them.
I may not care on a day to day basis of what the fk you think of me, and I may also not care about a whole lotta other shit.
But I do care to see someone waste their lives over something or someone else. Stop mourning over yourself, get the fk over it, and move on.
Because life is beautiful. There are far more worst things than I've ever been through, and probably of which you have too.
We must overlook the problems, and instead brush them off our shoulders like Jay-Z or someone cool with a big smile right back at those assholes with no words left to be said. Because in the end they'll suffer far more worse than you ever did while your at home kicking back being a litto happy camper. Let them rot in their own hell with their inner guilt instead of trying to make hell for them. It's possibly the best revenge yet..