Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I love my dad a lot. Even though he reminds me of my little brother a lot, which happens to be: annoying, loving, an asshole, stupid, funny, all of which the kind of person you always want to be around regardless of what goes on.
If you didn't already know, my parents got a divorce when I was about 4 or 5. No bigggy since all they would do was fight any way. But, of course my mother got custody,and my dad only got to see/have us every other weekend. Whatever, whatevaaa, blahblah, all that stuff. For the first couple of months, and years, this routine continued until my older brother and I started growing up. My mother remarried about 2 years after the divorce and I hated her for it. I did not want another dad, yet but only my own. I only liked my step dad when he would buy us things. Other than that, I was a brat --which I still am to this day with them.
The more I grew up, the less I went over. I started being a girl and acting like one, since I was always surrounded by boys/men growing up. The less I went over, the more I grew apart from my dad. No more going to the zoo, no more eating yu-yu's pizza, no more seeing Mocha, no more nothing.
There was a point where I rarely saw him and that point becomes a big blur to me. He got into his own thing: drugs, alcohol, new girls, And little did we know he was slowly disappearing from us. Little did I know, I wasn't his only girl anymore.
He wasn't like a normal dad as I wanted and wish he would've been. He wouldn't go to all of our games, go see us at plays, go watch us compete, or anything. He would only go if my mom would call him, yelling at him giving him the guilt trip. And each time he would come, he would look and act different almost every time. Hahaha, the one time I remember when he was trying to be "hip" And cool. That was a good sort of neat disguise. But, instead of him being my dad, my step dad started to try and take the role which I hated him trying to do.
Time flew by, and he grew out of this scene of changing kind of thing. He got screwed over by some dumb bitch, crashed his porsha the first month he had it *mind you while he was drunk, took "time" off work, ended up not working there anymore, and everything was just falling down on him. He started to go to therapy, and see us more.
One day, I got a random phone call from him. I was laying on my bed, and I saw "daddy" calling. I answered thinking that he just wanted to come visit, or for my brothers and I to go over. When I answered, he sounded serious and I got really scared because I knew he had been going to therapy. So of course he would finally admit, and breakdown one day. That day, was that day. I thought he was giving me his last phone call and was on the verge of committing suicide or something. I didn't know what to think, yet I just listened. He told me he was sorry for not being in our lives as often as he should have and wanted to. That I was his girl and that he was going to change for the better. That he loved us, and me very much.
As he hung up the phone, I ran out of my room and to my mom in tears. She got scared and asked what had happened. I couldn't talk, but I gave her my phone, redialed my dad's number, and ran back into my room crying. I couldn't stop because I couldn't believe what was happening. The man whom I had once seen as perfect, no matter what, had broke down on me.
The rest of the day, was also another blur. I just remember not doing anything, and my day being somewhat ruined.
Now, I'm starting to go over more often. Its' always nice and fun when we go. Never as boring as I think. I love spending time with my daddy, although it doesn't seem like it because I always think I have better things to do. Other than that, I'm like him. We are both weird, and have a very distinct mind that nobody will ever get. I don't have his sense of stupidity/humor as my little brother does, but its okay.

Since you've always kept up with technology, and you finally have a MySpace, if you ever happen to get to this and read, thank you for everything. Thank you for my piano, Thank you for coming back, And thank you for your lovin'.
I love you daddy, your my number one and you will never be replaced.

2nd New Years Resolution: Go to my Daddy's house every Sunday after church..