Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I believe that our mistakes are what makes our fate because without them, what would shape our lives? Perhaps if we never veered off course, we wouldn't fall in love, or have babies, or be who we are. After all, seasons change. So do cities. And so do people. People come into your life and people go all for a reason I suppose you can say. We may not fully understand the reason, but its always comforting to know the ones you love are always in your heart.

I've made many mistakes. Many that most people still dwell on til this day for some odd stupid reason. Some mistakes by accident, others because I didn't know, and other times because I was a fool. I'm not too sure, but those mistakes made me stronger -- although I don't understand a lot of things. In fact, I don't know a lot of people as it may seem like I do. Just the other day I realized just because I know someone for a long time, doesn't mean I know them--If that makes sense. I don't know why I even bother with everything and everyone I do. I for sure can not always please everyone but to please myself first. So why bother? If it makes me happy, then I should go for it. Although it seems like a selfish thing to do, its' most likely the best decision for everyone. But then I think 'bout it, you need to make yourself happy in order to make someone else happier. Or you need to love yourself, in order to give love to someone else. Maybe I end up bothering because I always think some kind of magical thing is going to happen? Perhaps its because I like to think that my life isn't always so complicated? I don't know.

What I do know is that not everything has to make sense. Especially for you, my beautiful. If awaiting here for you doesn't fully make sense, I know that it can be right. Always bitching to you, and fighting about lots of different things for absolutely no reason when we are but nothing anymore. One day you'll thank me for all this nonsense..

P.S. She did. So can you?

Saturday, November 15, 2008

If Only

If only people knew the truth about things. The whole truth. Everything would be so much better. I laugh all the time because how can a person be so stupid. The facts are right in front of you, and you choose to live your life like some sort of princess or something. Girls especially way more than guys. Girls are soo stupid. I admit that I'm probably one of the most intricate individuals out there. I never know what I want with this beautiful gift we have -- life. I want this, and want that. Then there's the I don't want this, and don't want that. I say I don't know to a lot of things because I truly do not know. I confuse myself more than I've been confused by anybody in my life. I'm not very open with people for who knows why. Perhaps its because I don't trust anyone. But I do know that I'm not dumb anymore. Of course I used to be before-- one of the biggest fools out there. I made the biggest mistakes and the most wrong decisions I have ever made growing up. Pffft, and don't worry it sure did bite me in the ass later on. But I learned. I learned not to be so stupid and think intelligently and over analyze everything. Perhaps that's why I have the ability to figure out everything without anybody telling me a word, or just by somebody telling me the smallest words. OR maybe that's why I can tell how a person is by looking at them. Yes, I do judge-- not even going to lie. But I still make mistakes, and I probably will in about a hour. But its okay. I'll get by whether you are here to help me even if I don't tell you everything. And for those who have been there, thank you. I truly appreciate you. Don't get me wrong, I do trust you but just not a lot. There's only certain things I trust about you or trust you with. I don't trust anybody, I'm sorry. That's just the way I am. He sure is right though. There's only so much a person can say or do to make you feel better about yourself or your security with them. Their words don't always make a person feel better. It takes time. Maybe that's why things haven't happened the way I expected em' to be. Maybe that's why he says the things he says, and does what he pleases. Who knows? Because I sure don't. I'm still learning.


Why hello0o0o there.

Me llamo Sara, Surra, Syrup, Sara Wara, Surraa Lee, Surraa Tee, blablabla!

I'm new to this shi, and I curse a lot. I have a mind of some crazzzy woman. I laugh at almost everything. I hate too much & love too little. I like to pretend to be gh3tt0 f@b. I don't care about a lot and and I'm still finding myself. Let's plaaaaay, as I always say :D


p.s. "Get lyk3 mehhh!"
hahaha ;)